Keeping your pet happy and safe this 4th of July


KENNEWICK, Wash. – With the Fourth of July rapidly approaching, many residents will be thinking of the fun festivities ahead of them.

Between backyard barbeques, entertaining guests, traveling and watching the fireworks, it’s important to keep your eye on the furry friends by your side.

Dr. Sheila Erickson, owner and medical director at Heaven Horse Hills Pet Urgent Care, suggests a few ways to keep your pet calm this holiday.

“Keep them inside, keep them quiet and keep them safe. Sometimes it gets really hot, so make sure that they’re in cool places and have access to water,” said Dr. Erickson.

Dr. Erickson also warns that fireworks are just a part of the danger. With an upwards of 70 million Americans traveling for the Fourth, your neighborhood could experience heavy traffic.

Be sure to keep your pets inside and within eyeshot. If they get out, make sure they are wearing their collar to easily identify them.

Dr. Erickson also says beware of overfeeding your pets. With barbeques and family dinners being a common practice on the Fourth, be sure not to feed your pet too many snacks and scraps.

According to Erickson, many dogs come in to urgent care with upset stomachs or vomiting after consuming too much food.

Lastly, Erickson recommends talking to your veterinarian about medications. Animals can be prescribed sedatives to help with the loud noises this holiday.


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