Japanese Beetle found in Pasco


PASCO, Wash.- A Japanese Beetle has been found in Pasco. The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) confirmed the finding on July 12.

A Franklin County Horticultural Pest and Disease Board trapper found the beetle according to a WSDA press release. State officials responded to the finding and confirmed the beetle and set up a trapping grid around where it was found.

“A single beetle is less cause for concern because one beetle can’t reproduce,” said Camilo Acosta, WSDA Japanese Beetle Eradication Project Coordinator. “But we need to be sure there are not more. Last year, a single beetle was found in Richland, but extensive trapping in the area did not detect additional beetles.”

Residents in Yakima, Benton and Franklin Counties are encouraged to be on the lookout for Japanese Beetles and report any sightings or trappings. Sightings can be reported online.


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