Idaho hunter kills grizzly after Fish and Game staff misidentified it as black bear


ST. MARIES, Idaho – An Idaho hunter shot and killed a grizzly bear at legal bait site in the Panhandle on June 10 after Idaho Fish and Game officials misidentified it as a black bear.

The unidentified hunter sent a video of a bear he was hunting to Idaho Fish and Game when he was concerned the bear might be a grizzly, according to a release from Idaho Fish and Game.

Upon review of the hunter’s video, officials misidentified the grizzly as a black bear, giving the hunter the go-ahead to shoot.

When the hunter found the bear, it was identified at the scene as a grizzly. Grizzlies are protected under Idaho state and federal laws, with the responsibility of identification being on the hunter.

The Fish and Game’s involvement is being investigated as a personnel matter, according to the release. No citation was issued to the hunter.

An earlier release from Idaho Fish and Game on the incident states grizzly bears are not typically found in the part of the Panhandle this one was killed in, and most of the grizzly population are found further north or in the area of Yellowstone National Park.


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