It was certainly a challenging winter for many of us who live where the weather was … well, awful. I’ve been wondering how our pets fared, especially those who normally spend time outdoors. I know that, for most of us humans, there was simply too much snow and ice, or, in some areas, rainfall.

I asked friends online to tell us how their pets did—for example, dogs young and old who thrived in the unusual conditions, as well as those pets who, in contrast, clearly said, “Nope, I’m not going out there!”—and how their guardians handled those decisions.

Here are some of their responses, along with photographic evidence!

Michelle Brady (Washington) This was my pup Wasabi’s first winter and he loves the snow. He would stay outside for hours if I let him. This winter was also great for my older dog Kai who has seasonal allergies and thrives in colder temperatures.

Donna Weidert (Washington) My grand puppy!

Photo by Michelle Brady

Gwen Jones (California) They all gained weight! Not a lot, but we had to keep reducing their meals, since outdoor activities were rained out much of the last three months. Indoor activities lead to lots of treats but not much physical exercise. Now slowly getting them (and us!) back into shape.

Olwen Turns (United Kingdom) Muddy.

Photo by Olwen Turns

Olwen Turns And snowy.

Photo by Olwen Turns

Jan Rietcheck Neumann (Washington) Charlie LOVES the snow. When half the yard was green, he’d still go through the minefield of snow to come inside. Cracked us up.

Sarah Adams (Oregon) Mercy says snowshoeing is fun, actually.

Photo by Sarah Adams

Deb Hunt (Washington) Cozy. We love the electric blankets.

Carol Byrnes (Washington) Arbee and Ellie loved playing in the fresh snow, but hated it when it got so cold that the ice crusted on top and it was too cold and slick to play frisbee. None of us got enough exercise.

Photo by Carol Byrnes

Kellie Sisson Snider (Pennsylvania) They feel that because of their heated beds, it was tolerable.

Trillium Schlosser (Oregon) Peanut talked me into a rain jacket and a heated bed. She spent a lot of time under the covers in my bed, which was fine because she is a fuzzy foot warmer. She got more baths than she would have liked. We’re both ready for some pretty days, but the forecast is for snow again tonight.

She’s under that pile of blankets somewhere.

Photo by Trillium Schlosser

Here’s hoping that our spring weather is calmer and more comfortable for us all!


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