‘Hot Fuzz’ moment in real life when police chase swan


By Jason Hughes via SWNS

Police had a ‘Hot Fuzz’ moment and chased a swan – found sitting on a dual carriageway.

The cygnet had been sat on the southbound carriageway of the A361, just north of Devizes, Wilts.

Roads Policing Unit (RPU) was able to block traffic on the road to protect the swan.

The bird was then taken into custody in the back of the police van and transported back into town where it was released into water.

Police say they have checked on the new addition to the pond several times and it is reportedly “fine.”

It is hoped the swan will fly off once it has regained its strength.

A spokesperson for the force said: “Our proactive Roads Policing Unit thankfully came across this cygnet sitting on the southbound carriageway of the A361.

“Devizes Neighbourhood Team attended with a van and the swan was very deftly handled by the RPU sergeant, placed in the van, and released on The Crammer.”


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