Homemade bee spray blowtorch lights Walla Walla house on fire


WALLA WALLA, Wash.-Firefighters responded to a house fire on July 15 reportedly started by a homemade torch.

When fire crews from Walla Walla stations 1 and 2 arrived at the home at 1029 Willow Street around 10 p.m. smoke was billowing from all sides of the home and fire could be seen from a bathroom window, according to the WWFD.

Firefighters had the fire under control around 10:32 p.m. and no injuries were reported in the fire.

According to the WWFD, the fire was unintentionally started when the homeowner was using an improvised torch made from a lighter and bee spray to kill hornets along the roof of the home.

The torch reportedly started a smoldering fire that spread into the attic of the home and caused an estimated $150,000 in damage.

Walla Walla County Fire District 4 and the College Place Fire Department also responded to the fire as part of a mutual aid agreement.


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