Holiday Jubilee brings cookies, trees and Santa to town


KENNEWICK, Wash.–Angel Brook Farm’ Christmas Tree Jubilee will bring fresh-cut Christmas Trees, antique gifts and more to Benton and Franklin Counties.

The Jubilee, which runs until Christmas Eve, is twice as big as last year’s, with an Activity Barn where community members can find a bouncy house and other holiday themed games, according to an Angel Brook Farm and Market Facebook post.

Antique gifts and sweet snacks can be found in the Main Barn, but the Workshop Barn will offer cookie decorating stations, according to the post. The Christmas Tree Farm will offer trees at all heights for people to take home, and Santa will even make some appearances Thursdays through Sundays.

The Jubilee is open daily from 10 a.m.–8 p.m. until December 24 at the Benton-Franklin Fairgrounds.


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