Health Department tips for a scary safe Halloween


OLYMPIA, Wash.-Halloween is almost here, with the candy purchased, the costumes constructed and trick-or-treating and party plans made the Washington State Department of Health is reminding everyone of some simple steps to ensure a scary safe time.

Scare away viruses: Help stop the spread of respiratory viruses at parties or trunk-or-treat gatherings by covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often and staying home when sick.Safe sweets: Check all candy. Only eat candy from its original wrapper and watch out for allergies and choking hazards.Trick-or-treating: Travel in groups, walk on sidewalks, use crosswalks and use reflective tape, glowsticks and flashlights to ensure you are seen by drivers.Costume safety: Make sure all costumes are fire-resistant and fit well.Slow down, save lives: Kids are twice as likely to be hit by cars on Halloween than any other day.Dress for the weather: Bring a jacket and rain gear.


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