Get ready to spring forward as Daylight Saving Time begins on March. 10


TRI-CITIES, Wash.-It’s time to spring forward again, to move our clocks ahead, and unfortunately, lose an hour of sleep as daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March. 10.

Daylight Saving Time always starts on the second Sunday in March, the 10th this year, and goes into effect at 2 a.m. DST creates more sunlit hours in the evening during the warmest months of the year.

According to the National Weather Service, the yearly transition to DST essentially moves one hour of daylight from the morning to the evening.

To remember the time change people are encouraged to move their clocks ahead an hour before going to bed on Saturday, March. 9. The start of DST and the practice of moving clocks ahead also serves as a good reminder to check the batteries in smoke alarms around your home and replace them, if necessary.

While more sunlight may be welcome after a long winter, the shift to DST and the subsequent loss of an hour of sleep can have some adverse health effects, especially for those with underlying health concerns.

According to Johns Hopkins University, some potential health effects of the time changes are heart attack, stroke and mood swings.

“The scientific evidence points to acute increases in adverse health consequences from changing the clocks, including in heart attack and stroke,” says sleep expert Adam Spira, PhD, MA, a professor in Mental Health in a study for Johns Hopkins.

It may take your body a few days to adjust to the time change, however, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule and diet can ensure a healthy transition, according to the Sleep Foundation.


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