Franklin County Fire District 3


FRANKLIN COUNTY, Wash.- Franklin County Fire District 3’s (FCFD3) call volume is up 22% from the same time last year, with July being the district’s busiest month to date with the district responding to 101 calls.

Revenue is not keeping up with the demand for and cost to provide service for the increase in calls according to FCFD3. The Board of Fire Commissioners passed a resolution to place a fire levy lid lift on the November 7, 2023, general election ballot.

“Last year we responded to a record-high of 804 calls. This year we are on track to break 900 calls for the year,” Fire Chief Mike Harris said.

According to an FCFD3 press release if approved by voters the levy lid lift would raise the fire levy from $1.04 per $1,000 of assessed property value to $1.34 and would allow for the following funding.

Fund one additional full-time firefighter position.Fund two seasonal firefighter positions during wildfire season.Fund gear, ambulance and water tender replacements.Allow renovations of station 33 to allow 24-hour staffing and decontamination facilities.Backup power at main fire station to keep power on during natural disasters.


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