Former Red Cross volunteer from Montana recalls aiding Pentagon on 9/11


BOZEMAN, Mont. — Today, as the nation remembers the 9/11 attacks and honors those who responded in a time of great need, we reflect on the service of individuals from across the country, including many from Montana.

Maleesha Kovnesky, a former Red Cross volunteer, shared her experiences during that tragic time. In 2001, Kovnesky was working a civilian job in Washington, D.C., after finishing her service in the Marine Corps. On September 11, she and her coworkers watched the World Trade Center attacks unfold on their office TV. By the time she left work, the Pentagon had also been attacked.

Kovnesky, along with her roommate, immediately went to the Red Cross headquarters to see how they could assist. Having previously signed up for the Red Cross’s Disaster Action Team, they were dispatched to the Pentagon. Kovnesky said she spent 78 hours straight working to aid firefighters and locate survivors and those who perished.

“One of the things I remember best is people coming together in a time of need,” Kovnesky said. Her Red Cross team collected donated food from restaurants to feed everyone on scene and provide as much support as possible.

“People wanted to do whatever they could just to not feel so helpless,” Kovnesky said. “There was this overwhelming sense of unity that was present everywhere we went.”

When asked what message she has for younger people who were not around during the events of 9/11, Kovnesky emphasized the importance of finding ways to help during terrible events, big or small.

“There is always something you can do to help and small contributions add up to big ones,” she said.


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