Filing period to open for local public offices


TRI-CITIES, Wash.- The filing week for anyone planning a run for local office is set to open in Benton and Franklin Counties on May 15.

In Franklin County filings must be received by the elections department by May 19. Information about fees, filing requirements and the filing process can be found online.

A complete list of open offices in Franklin County can be found through the Auditor’s Office.

Benton County residents may also file for open offices from May 15 through May 19 and can be done online through the auditor’s office.

A full list of scheduled races in Benton County can be found through the Auditor’s Office.

Candidate filing in Yakima County also begins May 15. According to the Yakima County Auditor’s Office there are over 100 offices to city councils, school boards and other local offices up for election this year.

Information on open offices, filing and candidacy requirements can be found through the Yakima Auditor’s Office.


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