RICHLAND, Wash. – The City of Richland Government released information regarding its annual curbside Fall Cleanup service happening weekly from November 6 to December 22.
Items accepted at the curb are:
Extra bagged and bundled organics (use compostable bags or it will be considered garbage)Extra bagged household wasteSmall items that fit in the gray can
Items not accepted at the curb are:
Items or bags over 40 poundsPaints, chemicals or other hazardous wasteLarge appliancesTiresFurniture or bulky items larger than two feet by four feetDrywall or other construction or demolition debrisTumbleweeds, rocks, bricks, dirt or concrete
Collection cans must be out at the curb with any extra bags so drivers can reload cans with bags to dump them in trucks.
The City of Richland requests for people to fill cans first before placing extra bags on the ground near the can.