Facebook marks Idaho Rep. Heather Scott’s post as ‘false information,’ here’s why


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Facebook is working to stop the spread of false information about the virus through both technology and human review. One of Idaho Representative Heather Scott’s Facebook posts has recently been marked as “False Information” by Facebook.

According to Facebook, they marked Rep. Scott’s post as ‘False Information’ because, “the primary claims in the information are factually inaccurate.”

The link that Rep. Heather Scott shared is an hour long documentary on YouTube by “China in Focus – NTD” that investigates and claims COVID-19 was created by human engineering.

Facebook said their Fact-Checkers marked the link as ‘False Information’ due to multiple scientific studies indicating that the virus has a natural origin and was not the result of human engineering. Facebook then links users to research done by Health Feedback which is an organization run by the World Health Organization.

Facebook originally hired third-party fact-checkers during the 2016 elections.