Facebook famous cat has freedom to roam where she wants


By Isobel Williams via SWNS

A cat has been given the ‘freedom’ of its hometown after becoming a Facebook celebrity – with fans even making merchandise.

Stella can roam go she pleases in leafy Beckenham in south-east London – popping into shops, businesses and schools.

Owner Rebecca Williams, 49, adopted the orange and white cat six years ago as a rescue from Romania, with the family instantly falling for her—particularly her two sons.

Locals in Beckenham have also taken to Stella – allowing her to roam freely.

People regularly post updates on her whereabouts on a Facebook group – like a celebrity has been spotted.

Some are even calling for a statue – and one person has made Stella magnets.

Rebecca, an outreach worker, said: “[Stella] just follows people and manages to get in. We enjoy that she brings people so much pleasure.

“I think she is definitely one of a kind.

“She is so well known that one person posted on Facebook ‘I am from New Zealand and even I know Stella’.

“People always say to us that they were a bit down and Stella made their day, and that is wonderful.

“There are people that are absolutely obsessed with her.

“We fell in love with her straight away because she was so cheeky and such a big personality right from the start.”

Some hit locations she has visited include high street shops, the fire station, the library, art classes, schools, and Pilates classes.

Rebecca said that one of her fans has even made Stella magnets, and many others are hoping for a Stella statue to be unveiled in the town center.

On the topic of the statue, she chuckled and said: “I think Beckenham needs a few more things before that.”

Not everyone is thrilled with Stella’s antics, however.

A local hospital and a spa have had to revoke her membership and a series of hate comments online, Rebecca said.

Social media users and her owners also often fear for Stella’s safety due to the length of her journeys—making it as far as Sydenham, Bromley and Shortlands.

Rebecca added: “People can get quite opinionated about it. We do get the occasional nasty comments and spitefulness.

“It is difficult because everyone feels like they own a bit of Stella, but for the most part it is lovely that she cheers people up.

“We worry about her all the time but on the whole, because she has such a nice following in the town I feel that there is an element of protection there.

“She is quite savvy and tends to wait at crossings.”

Stella is particularly popular on the Facebook group ‘Beckenham Appreciation Group‘.

One user said: “Having seen a few posts on here about Stella the cat not being welcome.

“We want to let the community know we will support Stella anywhere and everywhere on her travels it’s a great thing amongst our community.

“Sharing love from a Beckenham-based business & a Beckenham-based cat.

“Long reign Stella.”

Another added: “A day in the life of Superstar Stella. You really have got to love this cat.

“Warms your heart! Her owner must chuckle at her adventures. As half of Beckenham do.”

One of Stella’s adventures led her to Caffè Nero – where adoring fans were waiting for her.

One user wrote: “After living in Beckenham for 2 years, I’ve always wanted to meet Stella.

“This morning I finally met our Stella! She’s popped into Nero for a cuppa.”

Stella is now fitted with a tracker on her collar so the family of four can watch her every move and make sure she is safe.

She has also recently acquired a baby brother called Bernie, who she is still growing to love.


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