Education exodus: Teacher attacks driving up resignations


By Stephen Beech via SWNS

Attacks on teachers by students and parents have soared since the pandemic, reveals new research.

Four out of five (80 percent) say they have been verbally harassed or threatened by a student since COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted, according to the study.

Researchers found that threats and violence against teachers and other school personnel in the United States have rebounded to levels equal to or exceeding those before the pandemic.

The number of teachers expressing intentions to resign or transfer has risen from 49 percent during the pandemic to 57 percent since COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, according to the findings published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Study lead author Professor Susan Dvorak McMahon, of DePaul University, Chicago, said: “Aggression and violence against educators and school personnel are major concerns that affect the well-being of school personnel and the students and families they serve.

“This study highlights a growing crisis in our schools that needs to be addressed nationally.”

McMahon is chair of the APA Task Force on Violence Against Educators and School Personnel which conducted two surveys in collaboration with national education and related organisations.

The first, conducted during the height of the pandemic from August 2020 to June 2021, asked around 15,000 teachers and other school personnel to report their experiences before and during the pandemic.

The second survey, conducted in 2022 after many schools had lifted COVID-19 restrictions, polled around 12,000 teachers and other school staff.

The participants were asked about their encounters with various forms of violence – including verbal harassment, threats, cyberbullying and physical violence – from students, parents or guardians, colleagues and administrators.

They were also asked if they had intended to quit, retire early or transfer to another position within the school system.

The participants were given the opportunity to respond to a series of open-ended questions asking them to share details of their experiences, expand on their concerns and offer recommendations for solutions.

A report comparing the findings of the two polls was published in the journal American Psychologist.

Almost two-thirds of teachers (65 percent) in the first wave reported at least one incident of verbal harassment or threatening behavior from a student before the pandemic and 53 percent reported at least one incident from a parent or guardian of a student.

The numbers decreased to 33 percent and 29 percent, respectively, during the pandemic, when remote and hybrid schooling were common.

But the figures rebounded to 80 percent and 63 percent, respectively, in the post-COVID survey.

Teachers also reported a similar pattern when it came to physical violence, with 42 percent reporting instances with students before the pandemic, 14 percent during the pandemic and 56 percent after restrictions were lifted.

And while just one percent reported violent encounters with parents before COVID-19 and less than one percent during lockdowns, that figure soared to 26 percent post-pandemic.

Such encounters may be leading to an exodus of education professionals, warned the researchers.

McMahon said: “Teacher and staff turnover creates additional challenges for schools and students and makes the job more difficult for those who stay.”

School psychologists, social workers, counselors, administrators and other staff reported similar patterns to teachers with threats and incidents of violence decreasing during the pandemic, but rebounding to equal or higher levels after restrictions were lifted.

Participants across the board also reported notable increases in anxiety and stress during the pandemic, and while levels decreased slightly after lockdown, they failed to return to pre-pandemic levels.

McMahon said: “These findings point to a desperate need for a comprehensive approach by policymakers to address violence and aggression against educators and build positive and safe schools.

“Educators need to be well trained in addressing psychological, social and emotional needs of students.”

The research team say policies should address supporting the mental and behavioral health of students and educators.

McMahon said: “Our research has demonstrated that violence and aggression against teachers – from students, parents, colleagues, and administrators – lead to anxiety and stress, which in turn lead to intentions to transfer schools or quit the profession.”

She added: “We need to address the entire ecology of the school, as well as engage with parents and communities in order to improve school climate, work environment and student learning.”


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