DSHS Mobile Office to stop in Harrah on Dec. 18


HARRAH, Wash.-The Washington Department of Social and Health Services Mobile Office is scheduled to stop in Harrah on Wednesday, Dec. 18.

The office will stop in Harrah Town Park from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and residents will have the opportunity to apply for food, cash and medical benefits, as well as drop off paperwork or request an EBT card.

DSHS operates eight mobile offices throughout Washington to reach clients where they are and improve participation in DSHS programs by providing services in locations where DSHS doesn’t have a brick-and-mortar office.

According to DSHS, the mobile offices are staffed with specialists who can determine people’s eligibility for state and federal medical, cash and food assistance programs.

Harrah Town Park is located at 21 E. Pioneer Street.


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