Direct File Now, free online IRS tax service launched in Washington


OLYMPIA, Wash.- Direct File Now, a free online tax filing program from the IRS launched in 12 states, including Washington on March 12.

The online service allows eligible taxpayers to file their tax returns online for free directly with the IRS, without having to pay a tax preparation service or website.

“Taxpayers should be able to file their taxes directly with the IRS through a secure, free platform, and today, it’s finally becoming a reality,” said Sen. Patty Murray, (D-WA) in a press release announcing the launch of Direct File.

According to the Treasury Department, about 1.1 million people in Washington qualify to file their taxes with Direct File Now.

Direct File is secure and works on most electronic devices and provides live customer service support.

“I encourage all Washington state taxpayers to check if they are eligible and file their taxes with Direct File before April 15th,” said Sen. Murray.


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