TRI-CITIES, Wash. – The “Safer Products for Washington” program is working to identify harmful chemicals in products to promote healthier and safer alternatives. The Department of Ecology is currently focusing on the second cycle of this initiative.
The program aims to evaluate and reduce the use of harmful chemicals in products. In May, the Department of Ecology released its Draft Identification of Priority Products Report to the Legislature, which targets seven chemical classes, known to pose serious environmental and health risks.
Cadmium and cadmium compounds.Lead and lead compounds.Organobromine and/or organochlorine substances.Benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylene substances (BTEX).Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers.Cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS).6PPD.
“When we picked these products, we thought a lot about who uses the products, how people may be exposed, who’s exposed, who may be disproportionately exposed, and how the chemicals in those products can be released to the environment,” Marissa Smith, technical lead for “Safer Products for Washington,” said.
The department finds safer alternatives before implementing any restrictions.
“So we’re looking at consumer products because we have an opportunity to make safer choices about the chemicals that are used in those products and those safer choices can actually help prevent environmental cleanup later on. And so this is really a cost-effective and healthy model for us and our environment,” Smith said.
The Department of Ecology is looking into ten categories for this cycle.
Artificial TurfCleaning and Household Care ProductsCosmeticsInsulationJewelry and accessoriesNail productsPlastic packagingPaints (architectural)Sealants, caulks and adhesivesToilet and bathroom deodorizers
The Department of Ecology plans to publish a final report on the priority products by June, 2025.
Public comments and concerns are encouraged until December 16, 2024.
The program is part of an ongoing 5-year cycle to identify and regulate priority chemicals. Each cycle consists of four phases.
Priority Chemical ClassesPriority Consumer ProductsRegulatory ActionsRule Making
The cycle is currently in phase two.
Find more information about “Safer Products for Washington” here.