Demolition underway at site of Finley warehouse fire, could last 2 months


FINLEY, Wash.-Demolition work is now underway at the site of the Lineage Logistics warehouse fire in Finley.

According to Benton County Fire District #1, smoke levels are down, but noise may be up at the site as Signal Restoration removes metal and other debris from the burned building.

Debris removed from the site will be transported to scrap yards and landfills and will allow better access for fire crews to get to spots that are still smoldering.

Full demolition to clear the site for new construction could take up to 60 days, according to a social media post from BCFD1.

The Benton Clean Air Agency and the Benton Franklin Health District continue to monitor the site for air quality and to ensure that hazardous particulates are not being found.


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