CW Agriculture Museum opens 2024 season


UNION GAP, Wash.- The 2024 season is underway at the Central Washington Agriculture Museum. Exhibits, demonstrations and tours await all who visit.

With attractions over the 15 acres of the museum, even volunteers like John Kobli who has been at the museum for 10 years are finding new things every day.

“I discover things all the time,” says Kobli. “We have a lot of people that come into the door here and they discover things that they had no idea was ever around.”

With everything from antique tools in the Magness room, to cabins and sawmills, Kobli says there’s something for everyone next to Fullbright Park

“The fun thing about it is you walk around through it, and you look at things, you go, ‘Well, my grandmother’s got one of those. Oh, my mom’s got one of those,'” says Kobli.

For Kobli, a lot of artifacts feel nostalgic. Growing up in a farming family, they would pack 80 bins of apples and call it a good day.

When the apple packing line was introduced and packed 200 bins a day, Kobli didn’t expect it to get much better.

“it’s just amazing to see what we used to do, what our our fathers before us did, how they created these things, how we did this stuff and where we are advanced to today,” says Kobli.

As agriculture technology evolves, so does the museum. Audio tours were introduced recently to allow visitors to learn something at each building.

The museum is open year-round from dusk to dawn Tuesday through Sundays.


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