Critically endangered African antelope born in zoo


By Ashley Pemberton via SWNS

A zoo has welcomed the birth of an antelope so critically endangered there are just 50 left in the wild.

Navari, a female mountain bongo, is only the second to be born at Chester Zoo in the last 15 years.

Mountain bongos – Africa’s rarest large mammal – are antelopes that live in forests.

Mike Jordan, from the zoo, said: “Her birth is something to really celebrate. She’s an incredibly precious new arrival.”

Jordan added the zoo was part of an international conservation breeding program for the subspecies.

He said Navari was a “vitally important addition”.

The mountain bongo is distinguishable by its vibrant reddish-brown coat featuring thin white vertical stripes.

These act as camouflage in the forest by breaking up their body shape


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