KENNEWICK, Wash. – The weather is getting warmer around the area, however, the water is still cold according to Columbia Basin Dive Rescue.
CBDR is suggesting not getting in the water and it might not warm up until June.
“The air temperature and water temperature are vastly different,” said Scott Ruppelius, the Public Information Officer for CBDR. “It may feel warmer, but the water coming out of the mountains as the snow melts is still very cold.”
It’s like going from extreme heat to extreme cold.
Ruppelius told me it probably won’t get above forty degrees until sometime in June.
If you think the cold temperature of the Columbia River is going to bother you, Ruppelius told me some tips to keep you safe.
“Have a life jacket on,” said Ruppelius. “Wear some sort of neoprene suit or dry suit.”
John Friederichs moved from the Tri-Cities to Newport, OR in 2009.
He told me one day he was out on a friend’s kayak fishing for Herring when a tourist boat passed by him and the wave from that boat?
“Literally flipped me out of the boat,” said Friederichs.” “It was a great shock and I could not yell for help. I was gulping air because I couldn’t inhale, the water was so cold.”
Friederichs says he was thankfully wearing his life jacket when he fell in.
“If you love someone make them wear a life jacket,” said Friederichs.
He told me two fishermen who just happened to be EMTs pulled him out of the water by his life jacket.
They wrapped him in a blanket and gave him a cup of coffee to warm up.
Make sure it fits your body type and the activity you’re doing.
Your life jacket should always fit you snugly and comfortably enough that you can wear it at all times.
Friederichs says preparation is important before you either go out swimming or boating so take your time.
Friedrichs told me he is camera shy but felt if this interview might save one life, then it’s worth it to talk about.
Take those extra precautions when you’re going out on the river. Especially with the water temperatures what they are.
Ruppelius says always to wear your life jacket. It will save your life.