City of Kennewick to implement state Heat Rules during heat wave


KENNEWICK, Wash. — A 2023 L&I rule set has been implemented by the City of Kennewick to help protect Washington workers during extreme heat this week.

The rule set, which can go into affect any time during the year as long as temperatures meet or exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit, was created by the Washington State Department of labor and Industries. With Eastern Washington facing over 100 degree temperatures, the more advanced parts of the rule set have been activated to protect workers’ health and wellness.

According to Dana Dollarhyde, the City of Kennewick’s Lead Communication Specialist, the city is following along with L&I’s rules and more.

“So not only do we follow L&I standards, but we encourage all of our employees and supervisors to keep an eye out for each other,” said Dollarhyde.

L&I’s rule set, also referred to as heat rules, can be broken down into three categories. These categories directly protect those working in construction, agriculture, and other outdoor careers.

Category 1:

When temperatures exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit, employers are obligated to allow workers to take cool-down breaks, provide shade or another way to cool the body down, provide cool drinking water and oversee daily operations.

Category 2:

When temperatures exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit, employers must do everything in category one, as well as provide a ten-minute paid cool-down rest period for workers every two hours.

Category 3:

When temperatures exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit, employers must do everything in category one, as well as provide a fifteen-minute cool-down rest period for workers every hour.

“Our employees are our top priority… our citizens are our top priority… so whatever we can do to help mediate this heat like providing water, snacks, adhering by the L&I rules is what we’ll do during this hot time,” said Dollarhyde.


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