Chaplaincy Health Care reopens Kennewick hospice house



Chaplaincy Healthcare reopened their Hospice House in Kennewick on Thursday, December 29.

The facility was evacuated and temporarily closed after a water main break and partial ceiling collapse on December 23.

Since the water main break the building has been inspected and is safe for reopening.

“Because we were able to restrict the area, move quickly on the cleaning, and block off the rooms which were affected by the water main break we are safely re-opening our Hospice House today,” said Chaplaincy CEO Laurie Jackson.

Chaplaincy has reopened six of ten beds at the Hospice House. According to a Chaplaincy press release the water damage was contained to the back half of the facility during the water line break.

Four beds in the back will remain temporarily closed as the area undergoes cleaning and repairs.

“I am so grateful that we can reopen this quickly and with such safety,” Jackson said.


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