After other are mass vaccination sites have closed up, we asked what is in store…

Rush Limbaugh, the well-known conservative talk show host, has died at 70 years old.

OLYMPIA, Wash. – On Sunday, Governor Inslee announced new statewide restrictions set to take place…

The severely poor air quality which reached 499/500 on the index has caused closures of…

ROSALIA, Wash. – The Rosalia Lions Club is collecting donations for people impacted by the…
Governor Jay Inslee has added a request to the WA state website asking for businesses…

OLYMPIA – On Friday, March 13, Governor Jay Inslee made a sweeping announcement that he…

KENNEWICK, Wash. (AP) – A city council in Washington state has repealed its decade-long rules…

FRANKLIN COUNTY, WA – The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office with the Washington State Patrol Eradication…