Builder takes on challenge of carrying 66 pound of bricks for charity


By Izzy Hawksworth and Darren Shield via SWNS

A builder is believed to be the first person to try and climb every mountain in the Wainwrights Challenge – while carrying a hod of bricks.

Nigel Howell, 52, has already completed the majority of challenge while carrying the 30kg (66 pounds) hod and only has around 41 peaks to go.

The Wainwrights Challenge is one of the most popular peak challenges in the UK and is where you climb all 214 peaks in the Lake District.

Nigel, who is also known as the “The Hodfather,” said: “People stop me all the time, asking me what the hell are you doing man, are you mental?

“Because it’s such a thing to do, I tend to get a lot more attention and raise more money than if I said I was just going to climb all the Wainwrights.

“I got asked if I’m taking a barbecue, if I’m working up there, and I’ll always stop and chat.

“Some people just walk straight past, and I’m thinking if that was me, I’d want to know what that bloke’s doing with a hod of bricks on his shoulder.

Somebody thought I was mapping the route for google, thinking it was a camera.”

“Everybody struggles with mental health, sometimes quietly, and I’m not an expert or a counselor, but I just do what I can do with a hod of bricks.”

Nigel has already carried the bricks across Hadrian’s Wall in 2019 and also climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the highest mountain in Africa, with the load.

He said: “When I’m driving up that M6 and I see the first sign for the Lake District, my spirits just soar – it’s my second home.

“I’m always in the Lake District, so I thought why not do all the Wainwrights with a hod of bricks?

“When you’re up in the mountains, you can’t beat it – the fresh air, the weather, you tend to forget about your worries.”

Nigel, of Coventry, West Mids., plans to finish his challenge by climbing the 899m high (2949ft) Great Gable mountain in April next year.

He said: “When I do it, I want as many people to come up there as possible.

“I think it’s achievable just to do that one mountain, and the views across Wastwater and to Scafell Pike are incredible.”

Nigel is raising money for charity Mind Over Mountains, who offer counseling and coaching support whilst walking out in nature.

The charity’s CEO Ian Sansbury said: “The Mind Over Mountains experience goes beyond merely offering a chance to enjoy nature.

“It provides individuals with the tools and strategies needed to move forward in life and improve their ongoing mental health.

“We are so grateful to Nigel for supporting our charity with his incredible challenge, and being a part of our Project 500 campaign to raise $500,000 by next June.

“A very ambitious target we hope to reach with the support of many amazing people taking on personal challenges – to allow us to offer our support in more parts of the UK, and help so many more people.

“Not every fundraiser has to carry a hod of bricks though, I must add.

“Nigel’s challenge really is exceptional – what a feat.”


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