Box of unknown liquids, powders shut down Benton County hazardous waste collection event


KENNEWICK, Wash. – Benton County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection event was shut down early on Friday after unknown liquids and powders were dropped off.

Public Works Manager Matt Mahoney said the event shut down at 1:25 p.m. when crews got a box filled with multiple small glass containers containing unknown liquids and powders.

As a precaution, the event that was supposed to run until 3 p.m. was shut down for any potential threat the materials could cause.

Fire crews responded to the Benton County Fairgrounds where the event was taking place to investigate. Mahoney says it is currently unknown what was in the containers.

Accepted items at the event included paints, cleaners, gasoline, yard chemicals and fertilizers, motor oils, antifreeze, fire extinguishers and pool chemicals.

Benton County notes that the new Moderate Risk Waste Facility is set to open by the end of 2024 and will replace the county’s semiannual collection events. Visit the county’s website for more information.


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