UPDATE 7:20 P.M.
Benton County Fire District 1 PIO Jenna Kochenauer announced in a Facebook livestream that the fire is “mostly under control.”
A few power lines were damaged by the fire. Kochenauer says that Benton PUD is on the scene and around 55 customers are without power according to the Benton PUD outage center.
According to Benton County Fire District 1 PIO Jenna Kochenauer in a Facebook livestream, a 25-acre brush fire is currently being fought by firefighters on Bob Olson Parkway.
Fighting the fire along with BCFD1 is the Kennewick Fire Department, Pasco Fire, Franklin County Fire District 3 and BCFD2.
Kochenauer says the fire is moving fast and advises for people to avoid the area. No structures are threatened at this time.
This is a developing story, which means information could change. We are working to report timely and accurate information as we get it.