BFHD to distribute masks, air filtration units to Finley residents on June 2


FINLEY, Wash. – The Benton-Franklin Health District is working with other local agencies to provide air filtration units and N95 masks for Finley residents affected by the Lineage Logistics warehouse fire.

A drive-thru is scheduled for Sun. June 2 at the River View High School South Parking Lot from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Supplies are limited at the drive. People with COPD, asthma, heart disease and those living within a kilometer (0.6 miles), or two to five minutes, of Lineage Logistics will be prioritized.

Anyone who is homebound is asked to call 509-460-4205 or email with their name, address, phone number and number of residents in their household to have items dropped off.

For the latest response information, visit the BFHD website.


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