Berry bad news: Climate change could cause strawberry prices to surge


By Stephen Beech via SWNS

Strawberries will soar in price due to climate change, warns a new study.

The summertime favorite fruits are likely to become fewer in number and pricier as global temperatures warm, say scientists.

Researchers examined the effect of rising temperatures on California’s crops.

Using a new method of analysis, a team from the University of Waterloo in Canada, found that a rise in temperature of 3 degrees Fahrenheit could reduce strawberry yields by up to 40 percent.

Strawberries are one of the most lucrative commodities for the economies of California and the United States. The 2022 market for strawberries alone was worth more than $3 billion.

Dr. Poornima Unnikrishnan, of Waterloo’s Department of Systems Design Engineering, said: “This research shows how climate change can directly impact the foods we love, emphasizing the importance of sustainable farming practices to maintain a stable food supply for everyone.”

She says sustainable farming practices could include optimizing irrigation to ensure adequate water supply during heatwaves, using drip irrigation and scheduling operations to avoid peak periods of hot weather as well as using shading plants and installing shade structures to mitigate heat stress.

The research team started their analysis with strawberries because of their popularity and notoriously short shelf life.

They say their findings, published in the journal Sustainability, suggest potential implications for the availability of all produce imported from California.

The team used a model that predicts the probability of yield loss by linking air temperature anomalies and strawberry yield.

Dr. Ponnambalam said the process allowed for the measurement of greater variability over time and the most accurate findings to date.

She added: “We hope the better understanding of the influence of rising temperatures on crop yield will help in the development of sustainable agriculture responses from the government and farmers.

“There is an urgent need for farmers to adopt new strategies to cope with global warming.”


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