Benton Franklin Health District reports one dog death in connection to toxic algae exposure


RICHLAND, Wash.- According to a Facebook post made by the Benton-Franklin Health District received a report that a dog has died from consuming toxic algae along the Columbia River.

According to the BFHD, the dog died during the week of September 11. After further testing, it was found that the dog may have consumed clumps of toxic algae.

The death of this dog is still under investigation.

The BFHD is reminding residents to not allow pets or children to be placed in water where yellow or red danger signs are posted.

The clumps of algae tested are currently measuring 50 times higher than the surrounding water in infected areas.

The BFHD recommends you do not let your pets eat or chew on clumps of algae.

Do not let them lick their fur if they have been in infected water.

Rise your pet with clean water after swimming.

And rinse your hands or any exposed skin.

If your pet becomes sick call your vet immediately. And report any suspected toxic algae poisonings to the Benton Franklin Health District at (509) 460-4205


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