Benton Franklin Fair Using New Security Measures


The Benton Franklin Fair is using new airport-style metal detectors at each of the fairground entrances to stop people from sneaking in drugs, weapons, and any other unwanted items.

“It slows things down a little bit. But hey, man, that’s the times we live in,” fairgoer Jack Weissner said.

Phoenix Protective Corporation runs the security at the fair and says it has been working at the Benton Franklin fair for over 15 years. Phoenix has a lot of safety protocols in place to help.

“We have cameras throughout the fairgrounds. We’ve implemented magnetometers this year, the metal-detecting walk-through machines,” Phoenix Protective Corporation Regional Manager Noah Escobedo said. “We have canines. We have a drug dog and an EOD dog to do sweeps throughout the fairgrounds.”

Phoenix uses their dogs to check bags at entrances as well as the rodeo and concert stadium before events.

Plans for the fair begin months in advance and Phoenix makes sure their employees have the proper training.

“You’ll see a lot of our guys that are walking around with different levels of tools, as we call them,” Escobedo said. “So we go from level one, which is basically a flashlight and a pen. Level two is going to have a baton and they’re trained on all of that. Then level three is a firearm and a taser. All of our guys are trained on the use of force.”

Phoenix works closely with a wide range of local law enforcement agencies to make sure everyone can safely enjoy the fair.

“We have a heavy police presence, and that comprises our regional partners as well,” Sgt. Michael Rosane said. “So we have Pasco and Richland P.D. out here, West Richland, Franklin County and Benton County. And we’re here to assist Phoenix with any law enforcement needs.”


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