Benton-Franklin Council of Governments releases bicycle plan survey


TRI-CITIES, Wash. – The Benton-Franklin Council of Governments (BFCOG) released its Regional Bicycle Plan Survey on June 12 looking into how often, why and where community members ride bikes.

Input from the survey will help BFCOG and other local jurisdictions figure out why community members do or do not ride bicycles along with planning the future of the Regional Bicycle Network.

“We are thrilled to plan with the community to develop a vision for a more bike-friendly region,” said BFCOG MPO Deputy Director Erin Braich. “This survey is an important step in gathering feedback from the community to ensure that our bike plan reflects the mobility needs and priorities of all members of the community.”

All community members that are interested in promoting bicycling for recreation and commuting are invited to fill out the survey. To access the survey, click here or use the QR code below.


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