Benton County Commissioners urge Lineage to quicken cleanup of Finley warehouse fire


BENTON COUNTY, Wash.-Demolition and cleanup efforts continue at the site of the still-smoldering Lineage Logistics warehouse fire that started on April 21 in Finley.

On Tuesday, June 4, the Benton County Board of Commissioners sent a letter to Lineage urging the company to speed up its efforts to fully extinguish the fire, clean up the site and address air quality concerns in the area, which read in part:

“The Board of County Commissioners cannot stress enough the urgency of this situation, its negative impacts on the surrounding Finley community, and encourage you to operate clean-up activities on a 24-hour a day rotation for the health, safety, and welfare of the community.”

This is a critical situation, and we appreciate the clean-up activities that began this past week. Communication between your company, the local fire, health, and air quality agencies, and the Finley community is extremely important as this process moves forward in the next few weeks. The Board of County Commissioners and our staff are happy to help facilitate these discussions.

The impact of this fire is being felt by many people in the Finley area. We appreciate your urgency in getting the fire put out and partnering with the community in its clean up.”

The Commissioner’s full letter is available to read here.


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