Beauchamp Foundation gives to community at Back to School Block Party


YAKIMA, Wash.- Before school starts, Yakima families were able to kick off the school year in style. The Beauchamp Foundation and the OIC of Washington handed out backpacks, school supplies and haircuts to students to set them up for success.

It was only fitting to host the event at the Beauchamp Community Center, named after Henry Beauchamp Jr., Yakima’s first black mayor and the grandfather of current NBA small forward, Marjon Beauchamp.

“We always planned that when we was coming up to do stuff like this for the people,” says Jon Beauchamp, Henry’s son and Marjon’s dad. “That was from Mr. Henry Beauchamp himself. He raised us that way.”

Henry’s lessons extend beyond the family, and to the communities he was a part of.

“This building is named and dedicated to him, who had such an impact and legacy not only to this building, the community, into our organization, OIC Of Washington,” says OIC’s CEO Anthony Peterson.

In giving out school supplies and haircuts at the Beauchamp Center, the OIC and the Beauchamp Foundation want to give back. More than just the tangible items, but the experiences.

“It is important that this community gets the resources that are quality, not just anything, but they get quality resources because they deserve it,” says Peterson.

Jon Beauchamp says this is only beginning of giving back. Future plans could involve remodeling the community center and preparing the community in financial planning.

“We need to get that across too because we came prepared for the valley,” says Beauchamp. “You’re our people, too. So, we got something for everybody.”


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