Be careful before you post, says Richland Police Department


RICHLAND, Wash. – With the official start of the 2024-2025 school year just days away, RPD wants to remind parents that posting information online could lead to potential consequences.

A Facebook post by the Richland Police Department warned parents that posting identifying information along the “first day of school” photos could lead to predators learning about your child.

Identifying information could allow predators to find out information like your address, what grade your child is in, and where they go to school.

School Resource Officer Bryan Field at Hanford High School, says that there steps you can take to be more private. These include limiting your social media friends to people you only know in real life, as well as tracking your child’s online activity.

“Make sure you’re keeping track of the people [your child] is communicating with… also consider using third party applications that can restrict and track this information,” says Field.

The Kennewick Police Department also tells parents and children that if you see something, say something.

“There’s no judgment here. If you bring something to us that’s suspicious to you, and it turns out to be nothing, we’re cool with that,” says Field.

To learn more about school and online safety, you can visit the NCMEC website, or, to submit an anonymous tip, visit KPD’s website.


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