Bagpipe player serenades crowd of Shetland ponies


By Isobel Williams via SWNS

This is the bizarre moment a lone bagpipe player serenaded a herd of Shetland ponies.

Janice Priest was on her way to a self-catering cottage in Unst, Shetland, when she spotted the roadside concert.

The local resident was so shocked at the “odd” impromptu gig that she stopped to film it and posted it on social media.

She said: “I look after a self-catering for my cousin who lives south, went to do a changeover just after lunch on Monday, it’s only about a couple of miles from my house, as I turned in the road towards it, I was aware of a foreign vehicle parked in the lay-by.

“As I went past I realized that there was this man with a set of bagpipes playing and the mares in the scattald (hill) were all standing beside him listening.

“I thought it was so odd/funny, and have a Shetland pony stud with a page on Facebook, that I decided to stop and video it to post on my page.”

After walking away from the surprise serenade, Janice saw the mysterious piper again and discovered that he was from Switzerland and his name was Jacques Loset.

She added: “Unst is a small island so after teatime I happened to see the same vehicle so went and spoke to him, said what I’d done and that I hoped he didn’t mind.

“I think he was amused at how it had been so popular.

“He also said the mares had been a bit away when he started but they all crowded round.”


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