HELPING A DOG ADJUST TO BLINDNESS Q: I am looking for some guidance on a little fellow I am fostering for…
ADOPT A CAT WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE A DOG? I’ve had cats most of my life and dogs most of my adult life, so…
PAWSITIVE DOG PRISON TRAINING PROGRAM IS TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR DOGS TO ADOPT Pawsitive Dog Prison Training Program is a cooperative effort between Airway Heights Corrections Center, the…
MISREPRESENTATION OF PETS AS SERVICE ANIMALS—WILL SPOKANE’S NEW ORDINANCE DETER IT? Have you encountered what you suspected might be a ‘fake’ service animal in a public…
YOUR DOG’S OLD AGE—PREPARING NOW FOR SIGHT OR HEARING LOSS We all hope our dogs will grow old and remain healthy and happy all their…
YOUR DOG’S OLD AGE—TEACHING SKILLS TO MAKE IT EASIER Crates and Confinement Your puppy got used to crates and exercise pens at his breeder’s…
YOUR DOG’S OLD AGE—INTRODUCE YOUR YOUNG DOG TO WHAT MIGHT BE NEEDED LATER You’ve got a puppy or a young dog. You’re raising that young animal to be…
YOUR DOG’S OLD AGE—TEACH SKILLS NOW TO MAKE IT EASIER Have you seen videos of dogs wearing boots for the first time? I watched…
YOUR DOG’S OLD AGE — START NOW TO TEACH SKILLS TO MAKE IT EASIER Do you have an old dog? Not everyone is that lucky. I’ve had dogs for…
ZOMBIE KITTENS—FERAL CAT RESCUES ON THE SET OF Z NATION Rebecca Cook’s friends and fans follow her adventures on Facebook for several reasons. First, she…