YOUR PET’S SUPPORT TEAM—HOW WOULD IT WORK? In the last few weeks, we’ve discussed the possibility that shelters and rescues might choose…
MORE “TOO OLD” TO ADOPT A DOG? The topic for discussion this week and last was suggested by a friend—Kim Campbell, who…
“TOO OLD” TO ADOPT A DOG? This week’s topic was suggested by a friend—Kim Campbell, who lives in British Columbia, messaged…
MORE RED FLAGS IN ADS FOR DOG-TRAINING SERVICES Last week, we shared a longish list of red flags in ads for dog-training services—red…
RED FLAGS IN ADS FOR DOG-TRAINING SERVICES Local and national news tell us that the dog-training industry is experiencing unprecedented growth right…
VET VISITS WITH PANDEMIC PROTOCOLS On social media, I read posts every day from pet owners who are uncomfortable with…
IS NOW A GOOD TIME TO ADOPT A DOG? How did the pandemic affect pets, particularly dogs? We know that dog adoptions increased immensely…
HOUSE TRAINING FOR CATS AND KITTENS—ADVICE FOR INEXPERIENCED ADOPTERS Are you inexperienced with felines, yet considering adding a cat or kitten to your household?…
SHOULD YOUR CAT GO OUTDOORS OR BE INDOOR-ONLY? ADVICE FOR INEXPERIENCED ADOPTERS We’re in the middle of a series of articles meant especially for those of you…
HOW MANY CATS OR KITTENS TO ADOPT? ADVICE FOR INEXPERIENCED ADOPTERS You’re considering adopting a cat or kitten but you have little experience with felines. You’d…