More Activity, Less Risk: Tell Your MD How Much You Move Key Takeaways Physical activity protects against chronic diseasePeople who got 150 minutes a week of…
Peer Pressure Influences Older Adult Alcohol Consumption Key Takeaways People’s drinking behaviors are influenced by those around themFolks whose friends drink tend…
Feeling Self-Conscious Is Linked to Teen Binge Drinking Key Takeaways Social awkwardness appears related to binge drinking in young adultsPeople in their 20s…
Why Does Cancer Spread to the Lungs So Often? Key Takeaways An amino acid appears to make the lungs more likely to have cancer…
Experts Warn of Growing Risks as Bird Flu Cases Rise Key Takeaways Most human bird flu cases in North America have been mildBut a Canadian…
Fast, Easy Nasal Swab Helps Diagnose Asthma Type in Kids Key Takeaways A rapid nasal swab test can diagnose a child’s asthma subtypeThe test looks…
Every Cigarette Smoked Could Cost You 22 Minutes of Life, Research Says Key Takeaways Smoking a single cigarette reduces life expectancy by 17-22 minutesQuitting smoking can recover…
Trees and Student Test Scores: What’s the Link? Key Takeaways City trees are associated with better test scores among schoolkidsStudents’ test scores suffered…
Phone App May Help Treat Opioid Use Disorder, Data Suggests Key Takeaways An app to support medication therapy for opioid use disorder can help people…
How do GLP-1s Boost Weight Loss, Heart Health? Key Takeaways GLP-1 drugs have been shown to help people lose weightThey also can help…