“As Simple As That” anti-litter campaign to launch across Washington


OLYMPIA, Wash.-The Washington Department of Ecology is launching a “Simple As That” anti-litter campaign.

Ecology is working with the Department of Transportation and Washington State Patrol on the campaign to reduce litter statewide by encouraging everyone to have a litter bag in their car, to hold onto trash until they reach their destination and to live litter free and encourage others to do the same.

The Simple As That campaign will launch on Sept. 13 with advertising across the state and free reusable car litter bags will be available at all Fred Meyer and Rosauers grocery stores in Washington.

Around 38 million pounds of litter is dropped on Washington’s roads and public places each year, according to Ecology, an amount that equals about five pounds of trash for every person in the state.

“We spend millions each year to clean our roads – but it costs nothing for each of us to do the right thing and pick up after ourselves,” said Washington Gov. Jay Inslee.

A statewide litter survey conducted in 2022 revealed that the most commonly littered items in Washington are cigarette butts, food wrappers and snack bags, glass bottles, and construction and demolition debris.

Ecology is also partnering with community groups in the state to give away “We keep WA litter free” bags to those who may be new to the United States.

“Whether it’s keeping a trash bag in your car or making sure your cargo is securely strapped down, every one of us can do something to protect Washington’s natural beauty and prevent serious hazards on our highways,” Governor Inslee said. “It really is as simple as that.”


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