AI Task Force to be proposed in Washington Legislature


OLYMPIA, Wash.-Attorney General Bob Ferguson is partnering with lawmakers to propose a bipartisan Artificial Intelligence Task Force during the 2024 state Legislative session.

Sen. Joe Nguyen, D-White Center, and Rep. Travis Couture, R-Allyn, are expected to officially propose the legislation in January.

“Washington is on the cutting edge of innovation,” Ferguson said. “It is imperative that we embrace new technology in a thoughtful way.”

The task force will work with industry representatives, civil liberty groups, subject matter experts and other stakeholders to discuss AI benefits and risks before making recommendations to the legislature, according to a press release from the Attorney General’s Office.

Senate Bill 5838 and House Bill 1934 will create a bipartisan, 42-member task force comprised of members from the Legislature, state agencies, tribes, technology experts, civil liberty advocates, consumer advocates, businesses and other stakeholders.

According to the AG’s Office, the task force will meet at least twice a year, and deliver a preliminary report to the Governor and the Legislature by Dec. 1, 2025, with final findings and recommendations due June 1, 2027.

“As we celebrate the benefits, we must also ensure we protect against the potential for irresponsible use and unintentional consequences,” said Ferguson.


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