A Real Taste of New York: Foods Locals Can’t Get Enough Of


Many cities are globally known for their contributions to the culinary world. New Orleans, Mexico City, Tokyo, Florence, and Barcelona are among those known for their thriving food scenes. However, few are as known for their cultural diversity and culinary innovation as New York City.

A melting pot that reflects the myriad backgrounds of its residents, New York City’s food scene is as dynamic as the people who call it home. With more than 200 nationalities represented in its boroughs and neighborhoods, it’s easy to understand the city’s rich gastronomic tapestry.

Of all New York City’s offerings, which ones do New Yorkers gravitate to?

Among the eating habits of one of the most culinarily diverse cities in America, there are six foods that are always found on a New Yorker’s plate.

1. New York-Style Pizza

When it comes to quintessential New York offerings, few things are more iconic than pizza. Renowned for its thin, foldable slices, this New York staple’s slightly crispy crust bears a generous layer of tomato sauce and melted mozzarella cheese.

Whether you prefer a classic Margherita or a hot, cheesy slice from a corner pizzeria, New York-style pizza is a rite of passage for any New York resident. Joe’s Pizza in Greenwich Village and Di Fara Pizza in Midwood are storied establishments landing on lists of New York natives’ preferred pies.

2. Bagels With Cream Cheese and Lox

A typical morning in New York often begins with the aroma of freshly baked bagels wafting through the air. New York-style bagels, boiled before baking, are a breakfast staple. Boiling pre-bake contributes to the chewy texture typical of these doughy delights.

A real New Yorker takes their bagel with a generous smear of cream cheese, resting under smoked salmon, capers, red onion, and a hearty tomato slice. This time-honored flavor and texture combination puts a lox bagel among the most iconic city meals.

3. Pretzels

The warm scent of freshly baked pretzels wafting from various street vendors entices natives and tourists alike. Traditionally topped with coarse salt, these twisted treats have a soft and doughy center with a crisp, satisfying exterior.

A warm pretzel is a popular snack among busy New Yorkers because it is the perfect on-the-go snack, whether strolling through Central Park or commuting to work. The ubiquitous presence of pretzel vendors has become a symbol of the city’s vibrant and fast-paced atmosphere.

4. New York Cheesecake

New York-style cheesecake, known for its dense and creamy texture, effectively represents the city’s culinary prowess. Made with cream cheese, sugar, and eggs, then baked on a graham cracker crust, the New York cheesecake is a decadent treat enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

Go where the locals go. Two legendary establishments at the top of the list — Junior’s Cheesecake in Brooklyn and Eileen’s Special Cheesecake in NoLIta — should top your list of must-try slices.

5. Hot Dog Stands

The unmistakable aroma of sizzling hot dogs wafting from carts on just about every block is a New York City experience in and of itself. This iconic street food is a quick and satisfying option for New Yorkers on the move.

Served with an array of toppings and condiments ranging from mustard and ketchup to sauerkraut and onions, the New York hot dog is a classic that has become an essential part of the city’s culinary identity. Gray’s Papaya and Nathan’s Famous, two of the most famous institutions, have been serving perfect franks for decades.

6. Black-And-White Cookies

Nothing remedies a New York native’s sweet tooth like the black-and-white cookie. These large, cakelike cookies bear two equally adorned sides — one half-frosted with vanilla icing and the other with chocolate. While it didn’t start that way, the black-and-white cookie has become a symbol of unity and harmony following its oft-quoted Seinfeld reference.

Glaser’s Bake Shop receives credit for creating the black-and-white cookie, but other bakeries like William Greenberg Desserts have also perfected the art of crafting these tasty treats.

The foods New Yorkers enjoy regularly reflect the city’s rich history and cultural diversity. Whether you are savoring a slice of New York-style pizza or indulging in the sweet decadence of a black-and-white cookie, these iconic foods are part of the tapestry of flavors that define the Big Apple.

These six foods are always on a New Yorker’s plate and are an excellent starting point for visitors wanting to explore the city’s food scene. The vibrant culture and dynamic flavors make New York City a culinary destination like no other.


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