Missoula County approves boundary change at Roseburg property


MISSOULA, Mont. – Missoula County Commissioners have approved a change in land boundaries following the permanent closure of the Roseburg Forest Products facility in late May. The plant had been operating in Missoula since 1969.

While Roseburg Forest Products remains situated within county land, redevelopment work on the site, such as sewer and water projects, will require annexation for city review.

County Planner Jennie Dixon noted that the boundary change reflects an effort to encompass more area, which could support potential sales and development. She clarified that the decision was made by the commissioners without any significant objections.

“It was under the discretion of the commissioners… But there were no flags… To say no you can’t do this boundary line re-location,” Dixon said.

If new developments are proposed, they must adhere to building codes to proceed, Dixon added.


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