Emergency sirens to sound during drill on Hanford Site on May 16


RICHLAND, Wash.-Sirens on the Hanford Site will sound as part of an emergency exercise on Thursday, May 16.

The U.S. Department of Energy will activate the sirens in the 200 West area, which covers the central portion of the site, between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

According to the DOE, the sirens that will sound are not generally heard off the Hanford site, due to their central location.

Before and after the sirens sound an announcement will be made saying, “this is a drill message.”

The sirens test and emergency drill are part of an ongoing program to test equipment and train employees at the Hanford Site, according to the DOE.

In the case of an actual emergency, the Emergency Alert System would be activated by Benton County officials to notify the public of any possible danger.


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