Take action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People April 26-May 4


WASHINGTON STATE.-Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives National Week of Action is April 29-May 4.

As of April, 2024 there were 134 missing Native American persons in Washington State, according to the Washington State Patrol.

The National Women’s Indigenous Resource Center encourages everyone to wear red on April 29 and post photos using the hashtags #MMIWActionNow #NoMoreStolenSisters #MMIW.

In addition to wearing red on April 29, everyone is encouraged to take action throughout the week in honor of missing and murdered Indigenous women and relatives, with the NWIRC providing resources for getting involved every day of the week.

Tuesday, April 30: Tell Congress. A pre-written letter is available online for anyone to sign urging Congress to pass the Parity for Tribal Law Enforcement Act.

Wednesday, May 1: Go Local. Share and support local and regional MMIWP events using the hashtags #MMIWRGoLocal.

Thursday, May 2: Honor. Post how you honor Indigenous women using the hashtag #HonorMMIWR.

Friday, May 3: Engage. the hashtags #MMIWRActionNow, #NoMoreStolenSisters and #MMIWR to show support for the week of action and end violence against Indigenous women.

Saturday, May 4: Walk, run and move in honor of MMIWP. Consider participating in the Annual Running for Justice in person and virtual 5K from May 3-6.

Sunday, May 5: Take Action. Commit to taking action every day all year to stop violence against Indigenous women.

MMIWP resources:

When a Loved One Goes Missing: A Quick Reference Guide.Advocacy in Action: A 6-Point Plan.Find and track state legislation through the MMIW Legislative Tracker.


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