Rollarena’s 70 anniversary to benefit My Friends’ Place


RICHLAND, Wash.-The Rollarena is hosting a 70th anniversary celebration and fundraiser for My Friends’ Place on Sunday, Feb. 18 from 1-9 p.m.

Proceeds from admission and concession sales will go to My Friends’ Place, a safe overnight sanctuary for unhoused teens that is part of the Safe Harbor Organization. Admission is $10 and includes traditional skates.

Rollarena will match funds raised through admission and concessions in support of My Friends’ Place, a tradition for the iconic skating rink since its 60th birthday celebration a decade ago.

Over the past ten years $33,000 has been raised to support My Friends’ Place, according to a Rollarena press release.

My Friends’ Place provides basic needs for homeless youth, including meals, showers and laundry for individuals aged 13-20. The organization can be contacted at 509-438-0079 or via email at

According to the Rollarena, special guest DJ, Jeff Jacobs with Jacobs Radio will be there from 5pm-7pm and Special guest DJ Brandon Andersen will be there from 7pm-9pm.

The Rollarena is located at 849 Stevens Drive in Richland.


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