Fire Prevention Week Open House set for Kennewick


KENNEWICK, Wash. -The public is invited to a free Fire Prevention Week Open House at the joint Fire Training Center in Kennewick on Thursday, October 12 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Benton County Fire District #1 and the Kennewick Fire Department are hosting the free open house that will feature information about fire prevention, disaster preparedness, outdoor burning and more, along with displays of fire and emergency vehicles.

A challenge course and activities for kids will be set up and snacks and beverages will be available.

Fire Prevention Week Open House activities and displays:

Cooking safety.Disaster preparedness.Emergency vehicle displays.Fire safety information and activity books.Hands-only CPR demonstrations.Home fire escape demonstration.Junior firefighter challenge course.Outdoor burning safety.Smoke alarm information.Sparky the dog.

The Joint Fire Training Center is located at 1811 S. Ely St. in Kennewick.


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