5K for the Fallen keeps spirits of military members alive


ZILLAH, Wash.- They say everyone dies twice. Once when their heart stops beating. The second when someone says your name for the last time.

On May 11, people in Zillah are working to keeping the spirits of fallen soldiers alive through the 5K for the Fallen.

Runners completed just over three miles past memorials of 15 people from the Yakima Valley and Yakama Nation who died in military service. On their traditional runner’s bibs were names of loved ones who have fallen.

“I always want to try and remember those that we lost in service,” says Zach Collins who was the top runner at Saturday’s 5K. “So, I ran for Army Sargeant Robert J. Lorenzo.”

Before the race began, all participants gathered in a circle and said who they’re running for out loud, emphasizing the importance of remembering those who gave their lives for their country.

“It’s really important for us to come together, say their names and honor the fallen,” says Zillah’s City Administrator Michael Grayum.

Participants included people in all age groups from children to senior citizens. Some runners, including Collins, don’t have family who died in the military, but still join the cause to support their neighbors.

“Everyone here has a really close-knit community, and everybody really supports each other,” says Collins. “There’s a lot of people here in town that once they’re going through something, the whole town circles around them and lifts them up.”

This year is only the second time Zillah’s 5K was dedicated to fallen military members. Grayum says the run will continue to be a kickoff to the town’s Community Days, with the hopes of building comradery in the city’s residents.

“This really kicks off an opportunity for everyone to come together as a community in several meaningful ways,” says Grayum.


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